My Infrared Sensor is not recieving on regular mBot



my arduino code is not returning anything when I try to receive something. My remote is working but I don’t know how to test my reciever if it’s not returning anything. Here’s the code:

#include “MeOrion.h”
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

//#define dumbytest 0x

MeInfraredReceiver infraredReceiverDecode(PORT_6);

MeDCMotor motor1 (M1); //left motor
MeDCMotor motor2 (M2); //right motor

void setup()

void loop()
uint8_t ReceiverCode;

ReceiverCode =;
// if (ReceiverCode == dumbytest) {
// }

Thank you


:bulb: Tip: To keep the forum looking nice, you can format your code like this:

(Your code)

@bm476 Check a couple of things:

  • Do you have the Mentioned libraries installed in your environment (also, what IDE are you using)?
  • Verify that the pin assignment PORT_6 for MeInfraredReceiver is correct for the sensor you are using on your mBot.

Try a simple code like this one to test the sensor:

#include "MeOrion.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

MeInfraredReceiver infraredReceiverDecode(PORT_6);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  if (infraredReceiverDecode.available()) {
    uint8_t data =;
    Serial.print("Data received: ");
    Serial.println(data, HEX);

If you are coding with blocks, can you please provide a screenshot or image of your block code? Thank you!


With an mBot you should be using: #include <MeMCore.h> here not #include “MeOrion.h” ?


Hi I put the code in and got Data Received: FF which is not what I thought to expect and I tried both libraries and it didn’t work with the new code


i’m not using blocks


HOw would you find out if port 6 is the correct port because that might be the problem


I doubt that is the issue, since my code gave you a sensor reading. Try repeatedly pressing (do NOT press and hold) the remote buttons near the sensor while my code is running and see what you get.


problem is it’s not even printing anything in the serial monitor


I don’t think it’s available…


How did it print Data Received: FF previously, then? @bm476


It only did it once


Then what happened?
Any errors?