I have a huge problem with 4xAA battery holders that come together with mBot: THEY KEEP MELTING.
I tested three holders and all three melted.
With first to packs I thought that the problem was with a shortcuircut because I stuffed the holder between brass studs and the mBot chasis (battery holder did not have isolating tape over battery connections).
In third test I used only a (new) battery holder an mCore (protected with supplied plastic box) both lying on a wooden table (one on top of the other). I made a program (breathing lights) and run it on mCore for three (maybe four) hours. It was funny though that I did not smell anything until I unplugged everything and put it in my rucksack. Then it started to smell realy bad and after 30 minutes I realized that battery connections burned through the plastic holder.
Does anyone else have problems with the battery holders?