Me Encoder Motor Driver V1.1 Motors Humming


The encoder motors work well with the “old motor driver” library to find a position, but there is a loud humming sound from the motors even after they find the desired position. It seems the Motor driver is still “hunting” for a position with a high frequency PWM signal even after it finds it. I downloaded the PID tuning software for the encoder motor driver and connected it up to the board. I tried adjusting the tuning parameters, but didn’t have any luck. I could tune down far enough to silence it, but the motor reaction was so slow it wouldn’t move when I gave it a real command. Also, the reset command doesn’t seem to work to disable the humming. Is there a way to eliminate this humming or is there a way to get the driver board to work with the " new encoder library" library? Or could makeblock release the firmware for the encoder driver board so I could modify/add a command to shut off the motor driver ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I have the same problem if anybody can give a hand
I also try the encoder motor new but nothing work at all

thanks in advance


Hi el_lolo,

Here is an instruction to guide use the example program encoder motor new. Hope it helps.Me encoder motor (1.0 MB)


I try it but I have all the times an error message I can’t tranfert it


Hi el_lolo

What is the error message when you try the program encoder motor_new?
The error happens when you compile the program or upload the program?


I didn t see your answer until now the shop refund me the encoder motor and I baught a megapi for my robot


Hi el_lolo,

It’s okay! Hope everything goes well now.


so far so good thanks a lot . I will write an open lab when I will finish it
