Me 3-Axis Accelerometer and Gyro Sensor



the Me 3-Axis Accelerometer and Gyro Sensor is not working at all. I am using the example provided by makeblock. Yet the serial monitor does not show anything. I am completely lost with this problem. I’ve tried to debug the script, which has lead my to the thought that methods gyro.begin() and gyro.update() cause the problem. I’ve searched the documentation MeGyro.cpp for any solutions but couldn’t find a hint. Hopefully someone can help me!

Thanks for your support!


Hi rus,

Did you test the example program MeGyroTest showing below?
If yes, there is no problem with this program. On the serial monitor, please make sure you have set the Baud rate to 115200.


Thanks for your reply.
This is exactly what I did! Like i said, the serial monitor does not show anything at all.
I don’t know what to do…


The example program was written base on Me Orion board.
Do you connect the gyro module to Me Orion board? If with the other mainboard, you may need to modify the example program.
