mBlock Extension extra code generated



I’m creating an extension to work with an arduino car in mBlock v3.4.11.

I have found I need an “h” block type with an cal to runArduino javascript function but everytime I block with this call, in Arduino extension, mBlock extension os my own extension, the following extra code is generated but I haven´t found this code in any extension.

How can I run my block code with out adding this extra code?

Thanks in advance,


MeDCMotor motor_9(9);
MeDCMotor motor_10(10);
void move(int direction, int speed)
int leftSpeed = 0;
int rightSpeed = 0;
if(direction == 1){
leftSpeed = speed;
rightSpeed = speed;
}else if(direction == 2){
leftSpeed = -speed;
rightSpeed = -speed;
}else if(direction == 3){
leftSpeed = -speed;
rightSpeed = speed;
}else if(direction == 4){
leftSpeed = speed;
rightSpeed = -speed;



If you don’t use MBot robot, you should switch off extension MBot program and remove libraries from directory:
Menu\Extensions\Manage extensions\Installed\Mbot\View source - and remove directory “mBot” with files from libraries.

Then choose Menu\Boards\Arduino Uno or etс. and restart Make Block.

Now, if you use extension “Arduino Program” - your code without MeDCMotor…

Extracode only “delay” and angle, i don’t know how remove it.


Thanks for your answer, it worked.

I don’t need to remove delay and angle as they don’t use any pin, MeDCMotor was using a pin I need to use for other porpouses.
