Line following in mblock android app


I must be missing something because I cannot figure out how to get the mbot to do line following using the mblock android app. The only line following related feature seems to be the “black line detected” in ‘Sense’. This is only a boolean value so can’t help with working out whether to turn left or right.

Can someone help? or is this a deficiency of the android app?

Thanks in advance.



Hi, Chris,
Due to technical limitations, the line follower function cannot perform well on mBlock app, and we might not be able to update it in a short time.

The best way to program line follower function is uploading the program to Arduino via PC.


Interaction with the line sensor requires a very fast response time. This is not always possible. I therefore use a line following driver within the mBot it self and the line array sensor. Check out:


See mBlock for iPad: Line-Follower for a workaround
