Learning materials for Codey Rocky


Hi, I just got my Codey Rocky and started playing with it.

First I tried to connect it to a tablet via blue tooth using the makeblock app. It gave me some problems connecting when I tried to connect after I pair it up on the tablet using the blue tooth menu, so I unpaired and then went to the makeblock app and used the connect feature and it worked. Also I left it charging all night may be having a full battery also helped

I loaded in my PC the mblock program. Watch out for your antivirus because mine thought it was a virus so I had to shut down the antivirus and reinstall, and then I add it to the trusted apps on my antivirus

So now I have been able to play with my son with driving the Codey Roky with the tablet and using the app and did a bit of coding to set up code for the buttons and uploaded

I am quite happy but I want to do more. So any one has any more information on projects? I also have neuroin blocks that I want to connect but I was not able to do it and have no information.

There is no info about Codey Rocky on page: http://www.makeblock.com/support/product-materials/

The programs I downloaded can be found on:

The tablet app can be found on the android play store as “Makeblock” from xeecos

Share what you learn!! :slight_smile:


I found more documentation on the following link:



Hi jemt68,

Glad to hear that you received the Codey Rocky and started using it.
More information with projects are under preparing. We will publish it when it is ready. Thanks for your support and welcome for any suggestions.
