Flickering Ultimate motors


Hello, I have tow Ultimate kits and I have a problem. The problem can be seen in the video, robot motors are flickering do you know what might be the problem? Thanks.

Starter Robot Kit is losing Bluetooth connection very soon and often

Hi poviliukas20,

What is kind of the batteries do you use?
The power specification for Orion board is input: 6~12v.
According to our test and research, it is suggested to use rechargeable Li-ion battery or rechargeable nickel-metal hydride, nickel-cadmium which can be bought from amazon or local shop. Or Alkaline battery with good quality like Energizer, DURACELL.
Please kindly change the batteries have a try.


I am using 3 x 3,7V 18650 (Li-Ion) batteries.
I have done what you have sugested but still problem percist. Do you have any other sugestions what might be the problem? Thanks


Hi poviliukas20,

Please test if the motors are flickering when use mBlock software.
First, please refer to this document to upgrade firmware for the Orion board.4. How to upgrade firmware for Orion Board.docx.zip (439.0 KB)
Then please test the following program and take a video to show how the motors work.
