Draw without outiling


English :


i tried to plot a simple draw , i created a simply curved line bitmap and i converted it in svg , but the plotted result weren’t a single curve line , but the plotter moved the pen 2 times on the line , as he tried to create a outline ,how can i do to get the right result ?



ho provato a far disegnare un immagine semplice , una curva , ma il plotter invece di fare il singolo movimento , è ripassato un altra volta sulla stessa parte spostandosi di pochissimo , come se avesse cercato di creare una curva contornata .

Avete qualche suggerimento ?



Hi coslad,

Could you send your image model and the drawing result.
Besides, please test this image have a check.Drawing gear.zip (14.1 KB)


thanks for the answer, i try to explain better,the problem is not the plotter but mdraw, if i draw a square bitmap (attached the file) and i conver it with inkskape or directly with mdraw , i get as result the stroke of the square , in attach the result , I need a simple square as result !
Square-svg.zip (518 Bytes)


Hi coslad,

Sorry that I may not very sure about your problem now. Do you mean the size of the image changed automatically after imported to the mDraw software?
Here is a result after I open your image on mDraw, is there any problem?


Yes , i have allarged the draw to show you that the square isn’t like the source but it has a stroke (outline) so when it is printed the result is very different from the source.



Hi coslad,

I understand you now, when I enlarge the model you provide, the outline does have the double line.

But when I test the image model we provide in the XY Plotter package from learn website, it doesn’t have the double line. Here is the test result:

Here I attach the square image model to you for testing.Square.zip (670 Bytes)

The issue should be on the svg model of your image, you may need some image processing software to process it.
