Creating custom extention - compiling problem


I’m working on an mBlock extension that would enable custom blocks for controlling a Arduino UNO motor shield (Seeed MotorShield V2).
I am working with the mBlock 3.4.11 on Windows 10.
I followed the instructions “Creating mBlock Extensions” manual. I have created the s2e file and put my .cpp and .h files in the src folder.
The extension zip file imports without issues. The blocks are shown in the IDE. The Arduino code is generated correctly. However, the problem is that at upload there’s a “Compiling failed” I get the following message : “fatal error: MotorDriver.h: No such file or directory”
I found on the forum somebody who encounter such kind of problem and explained how he fixed it : Custom extension: Arduino code generation, include
Unfortunatly the file that guy modified (compilerProcess.js) is nowhere to be found on my computer and I’m kinda stuck…
According to ‘Passiday’ : “the problem lies to the fact that the extension files are not copied to the path where the cpp source is.”
Any help ?
Thanks in advance !


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