Communicating with Raspberry Pi 3 and Bluetooth module


Hi Everyone,

I am new here, my first post. I have tried many different ways to connect the raspberry pi 3 and the Ultimate 2.0. Haven’t been able to go anywhere. I am trying to connect the device through the bluetooth module and send instructions from raspberry pi3. Has anyone had any success with this?


On the PI side, I would start with a serial terminal. How does your code on the Ultimate side look like?


Thank you for your quick response @Andreas.
I tried the basic from the github its giving me this error:
Inappropriate ioctl of device


Ok I could give you the code in Scratch, but I am not familiar with Python.


Sure anything. I am open to c/c++ as well


Just check this example here … maybe it helps a bit.


Thanks @Andreas . Are you using the Raspberry Pi 3? I’m afraid the link you shared is more for Arduino, where its working fine.


No, I did not try it with a PI yet, sorry


I got it running.

  1. Serial Port should be enabled
  2. Add enable_uart = 1 and corefreq = 250 in your /boot/config.txt file
  3. change bot.start() to bot.start(’/dev/ttyS0’) in your python code
