I’ve been using the XY plotter to carry a custom-made print head around XY space in simple defined geometries…e.g a circle. This has worked great for a month since I assembled and got the plotter running.
Two questions:
i) Now I want to increase the carriage speed. So far, I’ve been using the default motor DIP switch positions as HHH and this gives a carriage speed of 0.25cm/sec. According to Giovani’s (GG) useful post of 3 Sept this corresponds to 1000 steps and pen travel distance 11mm. So, I figure if I want to double the carriage speed to 0.5cm/s according to GG’s post I should set the DIP switches to HHL, i.e double the distance. I did this but using the same .svg file for my circle and the same mDraw settings the carriage careered off and hit the far right Y boundary. What is this the right way to increase the carriage head speed??
ii) I use EXCEL to generate the XY co-ordinates for the simple circle – convert the XY’s to .svg format, then open and run. My EXCEL output takes 20 points to define the circle and the XY pairs go: points="5.00,0.00 4.76,1.55 4.05,2.94 2.94,4.05 1.55,4.76 0.00,5.00 -1.55,4.76 -2.94,4.05 -4.05,2.94 -4.76,1.55 -5.00,0.00 -4.76,-1.55 -4.05,-2.94 -2.94,-4.05 -1.55,-4.76 0.00,-5.00 1.55,-4.76 2.94,-4.05 4.05,-2.94 4.76,-1.55 5.00,0.00. The header of the .svg file has scaling terms such as and . What is the relationship between GG’s ”1000 steps” and these XY values. Can I control the carriage speed by the headers in the .svg file.
Any practical help on this, or pointers to what I should read up on would be a great help…!!