Cane you communicate from Makeblock ME WIFI HOST to a web page


Having an issue programming mbot to talk to Me wifi module connected to it.

Should this work?



Hi turso47,

Me Wifi module doesn’t work with mBot since there is no RJ25 hardware serial port on mCore.

Our Me Wifi module has its special firmware. It only has the function to communicate between the PC and the Arduino uno board with serial port transparent transmission.
Here is a link introduce the Me wifi module to you for reference.


I saw a video showing mbot controlled over bluetooth using keypress on PC using graphical (scratch) program

Can you have a program running on mbot that accepts commands (not just keyboard input) from a program running on the PC to over bluetooth to make motors move or send sensor data to PC?


Hi turso47,

The program running on mBot must be the mBot firmware (upgrade firmware through mBlock) which can make the mBot accept commands from a programming running on the PC over Bluetooth.

If you don’t want to just use the keyboard input, you may use the “when Green flag clicked” under the event:

Example programs on PC like below:
