Arm moves erratically to "out of axis"


Hey guys - me and my daughter just got the mDrawBot together. It drew the impossible square, but now everytime we try to draw something else the arm moves fast back to the extreme rear of the machine. We tried to draw the penny, but it just sat in one place and scribbled. Any suggestions?
Please help!!


I had a similar problem with the mDrawBot when I first tested the drawing.

I’ll list some of the steps I did to fix the issue:

  • Turn the micros controller off and position the arm manually to the default position of 180 degrees (as seen on the mDrawBot software).

  • Turn on the micro controller and update the firmware from the mDraw software and connect to the mDraw bot.

  • Test the pen up and down button on the mDraw software.

***Make sure the image is placed within the range that the mDraw bot can draw the image.

  • Now open a svg file and see if it properly draws the image
