ArduinoUNO R3 Board fails to run the built-in Web Client example Program using W5100 Ethernet Shield


Dear Friends,
I am using Arduino IDE 1.8.4 to teach various programming examples to my B.Tech.(CSE) students.
Using ArduinoUNO R3 Board stacked with WIZnet W5100 Ethernet Shield, I am experimenting with various programming configurations (Web Server and Web Client) of this Ethernet shield with the help of built-in examples.
I could successfully configure the Ethernet Shield as Web Server using the supplied example program.
However, whenever I am trying with the Web Client Programing example, the program fails at call to the function client.connect(server, 80). The function returns 0 (zero).
I requesting the forum to sort out the problem and guide me how to configure the W5100 Ethernet Shield as Web Client using the built-in example program.
With sincere regards and thanks in advance


Google is your friend on this type of thing because the board you are asking for help on is not a Makeblock product. A quick search turned up an Instructable at this link. Another good source of information for this sort of thing is the Arduino forums on the main Arduino site (link).

Good luck! :slight_smile:
