3D Plans for an mBot Bumper


Hi Folks, check out a bumper I designed for the mBot to prevent it from getting stuck when navigating a maze: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1806547.


Nice job! Great to see other people demonstrating maze solving. :smiley:




Thanks for sharing. I was really excited to print this as one of my first prints (just learning about 3D printing at the same time!) until I imported the model and my slicer (Simplify3D) says that it’s a little too big for my (Qidi Tech) 9"x6" printbed.

Any chance it can be come in halves? I can easily epoxy or super glue the halves if there is a decent contact area. Sorry for not just “forking” your work–I’ll eventually get to learn about model tweaking myself.


Glad you liked it. Try rotating the bumper, it should fit on a 9"x6" bed. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time right now to try to change the structure do that it could be printed in two part.


I watched your video. The bumper looks great. I liked how the US sensor would rotate on your robot to help it navigate the maze. Do you still have the code for that program? Would you be willing to post it so I can see how you programmed the US sensor. I am building a similar set up with a maze. Thanks.



Yes I have the code. However, it was developed under a contract and I’m waiting to hear back if I can release it. Ping me in a week if you do not hear from me.



Thanks for looking into this. I’ll check back next week.



Hi Max,

Here’s the link to the maze solving program: https://github.com/goTechTown/mBotMazeSolver.



Thanks for sharing the code.
