Mecanum-whee Robot Kit



Just buying and tested Mecanum-whee Robot Kit, for the assembly I have follow this : and Mecanum_chassis_new.ino

The handle work fine and respond but I have some trouble with it:

First, the robot not slide on left or right

Second how to disable the sound ? It’s a motor sound ? or buzzer ?

Thanks for help


Here is screenshot of robot with cables:


Hi ilanb,

I am sorry that we can’t access the youtube video recently. Does it move forward and backward properly?

For the connection, please do a little adjusting have a try (connect left side driver to Port 2 on the Orion and right side driver to Port 1 on Orion board)

As for the voice, it is normal that there is voice from the motors and mainboard when mecanum powered on.



Thanks for reply, yes robot move fine on forward, backward and 360 but no slide.
For the connection I’v already tested to connect 1-2, 2-1 and have the same result, no slide

I checked too the X wheels and it’s correct, I’v no idea why robot didn’t slide



Have you ever changed the I2C address of one motor driver (near the battery side) to 0x0a refering to this post?
If no, please try it and then upload the firmware “Mecanum_chassis_new.ino” again.
