mBot Ranger Expansion options


Hello everyone!

My son has a mBot Ranger and we were thinking if the following modules / components would work and be compatible with Ranger to expand on creation possibilities:

Robot Arm Add-On Pack [MB-98000]
Bluetooth Controller V1 [MB-P3060001]
Me Audio Player Module [MB-P3010002]
Me Infrared Receiver Decode V3.0 with Remote [MB-13005]
Me TFT LCD Screen - 2.4 inch V1 [MB-P3050001]
Optical Encoder Motor-25 9V/86RPM [MB-80042]
Me Encoder Motor Driver [MB-12020]
Me WiFi Module [MB-13020]

We are also missing ideas and recommended add-on options for the Ranger from makeblock.

Any help or tips would be awesome.


Andrew & Caspian

#ranger #makeblock-products:ranger #mblock #makeblock-products:mbot


Anyone here who can help with this for my son?


For the Bluetooth Controller V1 where I buy my product they says is support mbot ranger bluetooth version but I never try https://www.robotshop.com/ca/fr/controleur-bluetooth-v1-makeblockwol.html

I never try the Robot Arm Add-On Pack but i use the dc motor driver module (is in this pack ) and it work fine. I think you can adapt the building after.
I use the me bluetooth module not the wifi
(https://www.makeblock.com/project/me-bluetooth-moduledual-mode) it work perfectly to I think it s the same think for the wifi module ( for the mbotranger you can use this wifi module too : https://www.robotshop.com/ca/en/makeblock-24g-wireless-serial-module-mbotwol.html)

The Optical Encoder Motor-25 9V/86RPM [MB-80042] need special encoder like you can see in this pack (https://www.robotshop.com/ca/en/makeblock-36mm-encoder-me-dc-motor-packwol.html)
And the woking tension is 12v so I am not sure

I hope that will help you and your son .
Have great time


thanks @el_lolo for the reply and info. much appreciated.
we ordered an Ultimate 2.0 kit for him to add to his 3-in-1 Ranger Kit.

He is still trying to figure out the TFT module, as there is not much documentation available on it…


Sound great for him
For theTFT module you have
this webpage with arduino code at the ends

or you can go to arduino ide -> open ->library -> makeblock->(exemple)->meTFT
it s an exemple to show you how to use it

for mblock
on ^this page the says they are working on it

I hope that will help


and I just see on mblock 5 you have an extension for the tft module
does he program on arduino ide or mblock?


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