I2C Sensors (Compass & Gyro) w/ mBot Serial


I have no success reading data from the Compass or Gyro sensor in the mBlock environment (using Green Flag hat).

I’ve made the demo program (defined here: http://learn.makeblock.com/en/me-3-axis-accelerometer-and-gyro-sensor/ ) several times across many sensors and mCore boards, but the sensor reads are always reported as 0.

Moving to an mBot Program hat, I changed out the Say blocks for Write Line. This program reliably displays reasonable sensor values over the Serial Monitor, values that change when I move the sensor.

Has anyone had better luck reading Gyro or Compass data into the Scratch half of mBlock?



This hint helped for me


Thanks for that response. Do you mean the “update the firmware every time” hint or the “assign readings to variables” hint?



It worked after the firmware upgrade for me. Did not try it very often yet.
