Color Sensing on Ultimate 2.0


Has anyone managed to get colour sensing working on the Ultimate 2.0? From what I have read here the Me Color Sensor only works with the MegaPi Pro (not the MegaPi used by Ultimate 2.0):

The Smart Camera also seems to not be supported by the MegaPi:

Has anyone found a way to get either of these working on the Ultimate 2.0, or found another solution that has worked well?


Which sensor?
or 3:


Thanks for the reply.

Are 1. and 2. different? They look the same to me.

  1. (or maybe 2.?) is the type of colour sensor I bought, but found afterwards that it only works with MegaPi Pro (and not the MegaPi that is in the Ultimate 2.0).


@flukey Sorry about that, the proper one is:


So the sensor we tried was option 1.

Have you had any success connecting any kind of colour sensor the MegaPi?


No, I have not. The sensor connect to board using an RJ25 cable, which MegaPi doesn’t have.

You can buy a shield for MegaPi that allows it to connect here:


Thanks for your help. We have a shield like that and have managed to physically connect the Me Color Sensor V1 by RJ25 cable, but unfortunately it seems that the sensor is not compatible with the MegaPi board (only the MegaPi Pro).

I wonder if anybody has found another solution to get colour sensing working on the MegaPi.


MegaPi comes with its own RGB color sensors, by the way. I’ll see if I can find anything out though.


Came back to say that I have managed to get the Me Color Sensor V1 working with the MegaPi. Not sure what we did differently, but it appears to work natively.


I have a Me Colour Sensor V1 with which I was experimenting using an Auriga board. I haven’t tried it with a MegaPi board although I assumed that it would work OK with all ME RJ25 connected boards?

I sort-of gave up on this sensor when I couldn’t find a way to extract accurate RGB values from it. A bit of my extension code is shown below:

The pre-set colour decisions did however work well and returned values that could be used to return visual output to a display screen (stage interface). See below:

I think that there are flaws with this sensor…


Appreciate your insights and glad(?) to know I’m not the only one have trouble with it. I haven’t been trying to collect RGB readings, but did notice some false positive colour reads, especially when the sensor is in motion or when affected by different light sources.

One suggestion my colleague made was to fit a plastic straw section over the sensor to give it tunnel vision and reduce interference. Haven’t tried it yet but will later.


@flukey Any progress? I have had trouble with the RJ25 color sensors, but mine was because I smashed it into the floor. :slight_smile: Oops.


It is communicating fine with the Ultimate (I think), but the sensor is a little too sensitive. We are exploring ways to tone it down a little. I’ll try to feed back if something works well.


I’m glad it is at least working. :slight_smile: Let me know if you need help with anything else. Just mention me as @Best_codes.


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