Blockly Condition Challenge 7-3 Not Working


Challenge: Every Time when the mBot is picked up it will light up the red light; when it is put down, light up the blue light.

My code is when arrow clicked
Forever: IF mbot is picked up
THEN light up left red right red
ELSE light up left blue right blue

Is this correct?


I will check gimp properly once myself and then i icloud can assure you.


line follower module should be connected to port 2.


For some reason is doesn’t detect when it is on the floor and I pick it up, but if I hold on my lap it works. Any ideas why this may be happening?


Is there any light on the Me line follower sensor?
When we do this challenge, put the mBot on a white or light color desk. If it is on the floor, the Me line follower sensor lights are solid blue, if you pick it up, the two lights will turn off.
A very important is that Me line follower sensor is connected to Port2.
If it is the same, reset it to default program referring to this post.-FAQ2


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